Physiotherapy unit in chandrapur
The physiotherapy department looks after almost all the patients coming to Musale hospital in chandrapur. Physiotherapy is a valuable adjunct to the Medical Management of Orthopedic, Neurology and Chest patients alike. While physiotherapy offers supportive treatment to critically ill patients, it is essential for rehabilitation once the patient is stable.
Almost all Indoor patients are offered post-operative treatment for at least 3-4 days and rehab for non- operated cases upto discharge. All patients are counseled regarding “Dos” and “Don’ts”, home care and continuation of treatment to maintain good health.
In the OPD – Arthritis, trauma and operated orthopedic patients come regularly and form the bulk of OPD practice. Shoulder and Hip rehabilitation programme for operated and conservatively managed patients is given meticulously and regularly. Stroke and Parkinson patients, peripheral nerve injuries, Bell’s Palsy, Saturday night Palsy and operated cases of nerve and tendon injuries come for treatment to the department.

For pain management musale hospital will soon get the latest equipment’s Electro modalities like SWD (Short Wave Dairthmy),US (Ultra Sound) PWB (Paraffin Wax Bath) IFT (Inter Ferential Therapy) Laser and Steam, Hot Packs and Ice Packs are regularly used.
We will have Antenatal (Pregnancy) classes from 4th to 8th month are regularly conducted to optimize pregnancy conditions with exercises and educate regarding diet child birth, labor, early parenting etc soon.
The department of Physiotherapy has a team of about 1 therapists and offer services from 11 am to 1 pm to outdoor patients and 2 pm to 6 pm for Indoor patients. It also arranges treatment at home for patients who are unable to come to OPD.